Small to Medium Business Payroll Services

We focus on your payroll, so you can focus on expanding your business.

Our professional payroll team has the expertise to provide you with a secure, state of the art payroll system. This system is specifically designed with your business in mind.

It doesn’t matter whether you have one employee or hundreds, paying your people accurately and on time is crucial. The number of employees you have is irrelevant if you don’t find payroll very easy to manage.

Manual payroll systems are time consuming as well as open to error. Keeping on top of legislation changes can also be a real challenge. Having experts manage your payroll for you takes the pressure off and frees you up to focus on your business success.

Whether you are looking for a fully managed payroll service or a partially managed one, Accounting Preneur has the solution for you. With over 10 years of experience, you can rest assure that your payroll is in safe hands with us.

Dedicated Experts

We have both tax experts and payroll professionals that are assigned to managing your payroll needs. For a fully managed service and help with tax issues, we have got you covered.

You will have the same team in charge of your payroll every fortnight, month or quarter. You can be assured of a consistent handling of your organisations’ needs with someone who speaks your language.

Our systems are tailored to each individual business ensuring you get the best setup for your payroll.

Why Choose Managed Payroll?

By choosing to have your payroll fully managed you don’t have to worry about staying up to date with the real time information on PAYE rules or HMRC legislation. In fact, you may not have to talk to HMRC at all.

Our team of experts can liaise with HMRC on your behalf. This is especially beneficial with regard to the HMRC issuing a wrong tax code, or to change a non-beneficial tax code.

All your payroll reports are securely stored so that you can gain access to them whenever you need to.

We import the data directly from your systems to ensure maximum accuracy in your payroll.

Using the latest technology, we can provide you with fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annual payroll reports.

We assure best practice and keep up to date with all compliance requests and changes.

If you want to:

  • Pay employees accurately and on time
  • Save time by streamlining processes
  • Reduce errors
  • Always be compliant
  • Know your data is safe and secure

Contact us today to see how we can help you.

By using our payroll service, you free yourself of the headache and can focus on the importance of running your business.

How We Integrate With You

Working directly with you, our payroll experts gather all the relevant employee data to create the system that suits your pay cycle. We will guide you through every step of the implementation of the new system.

When our payroll is established, we will check it in tandem with your existing payroll to ensure everything is running smoothly. After this all payroll runs are managed by our experts. We will send you reports to authorise on the timescale that you request and your employees will have easy access to their payslips online.

What We Provide

A Designated Person

We will ensure that you have one person that is your designated team contact to ensure continuance. This person will be the one who runs your payroll so any queries will be handled quickly and with ease.

You will be given access to the payroll team and your contact via a direct phone line and email. All queries will be answered within a 24 hour period.

Salary Sacrifice

We can advise you on salary sacrifice options such as the provision of a company car for employees and any employment benefits such as bonuses.


If an employee has an incorrect tax code, or a non-beneficial tax code, our team of experts will lease with HMRC on your behalf to sort this out.

We make sure that your systems are up to date with any changes in HMRC legislation and changes to PAYE schemes. Keeping on top of the constantly changing rules is vital to having a smooth running payroll system and avoiding any penalties for not doing so.

Safety and Security

Our state of the art payroll system ensures minimal room for errors. We also check the results to ensure a problem free payroll run every time.

All data is securely encrypted and stored for you to access at any time you need, for a minimum of seven years, as required by law.

Data security is our top priority and our portal is highly secure. We also use encrypted emails and have a secure online payroll dashboard for employees

Reporting to HMRC

Our payroll software will send a Full Payment Submission (FPS) to let HMRC know about all payments to your employees including any deductions that you have made.

We make sure that the FPS is sent on or before your employees’ payday as per HMRC guidelines even if you pay quarterly rather than monthly.

HMRC require a consistent reporting of pay. For example, even if payday falls on a Bank Holiday and employees are paid early, they still want the entry on the regular payday. We make sure of this consistency.


We are approved to pay salaries via BACS and can also make any pension payments, HMRC and 3rd party payments on your behalf.

Most importantly, we ensure your employees are paid the correct amount every time and on time.

We understand that payroll is something that you just want to run smoothly without having to worry about it.

Your staff want to be paid the right amount, on time, every time. We know that you want to ensure this happens.

At AccountingPreneur, our systems ensure that this is exactly what happens. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your Payroll.

Auto Enrolment Systems

We can advise on and set up auto enrolment pension or personal pensions such as SIPPs. This will ensure the smooth running of any pension plans taking the pressure off you and making sure you are compliant with all legislative requirements.

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For your free first meeting with us and to discuss your requirements, contact our team who will be happy to help.
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